vendredi 19 octobre 2012

Here is how Apple, Google and RIM see you (hint: RIM loves you the most!)

Here is a question of you to think about - how do tech companies actually see you, the user? Think about it. If you imagine yourself on the other side of the fence, what would you think of your customers?

With your products, pricing, everything you do as a company you send out a message. For Apple, users are willing to part with their hard earned cash for an exquisite design and simple functionality. For Twitter, you’re all about what you say.

And then there is the tech dreamer Google trying to serve you up with ads while doing what seems holding what seems the avant-garde in technology.

In the end of the day, it is you who vote with your dollar to support one of those attitudes. And have you asked yourself... what does RIM think of you?

Here is how Apple, Google and RIM see you (hint: RIM loves you the most!)


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