jeudi 12 juillet 2012

100 000 applications for Windows Phone

Translated by Bing :

Since early may, the Marketplace requires the presence of Windows Phone 7.5 Mango on terminals who want to download a game or application.

Last June, the site AllaboutWindowsPhone claimed that the MarketPlace for Windows Phone had passed the Cape of 100 000 applications. The information is now confirmed by Microsoft.


It is still far from its main rivals (Android and iOS) but Microsoft always defended want to play in the race to the amount. Is that some numbers are symbolic.

This threshold has been reached in a little more than 20 months then it took until 14 months to reach 50,000 applications. The MarketPlace is a little less than Apple's AppStore (16 months) but better than Android (24 months).

Microsoft still hopes to speed up the pace with the release of Windows Phone 8 this fall. This major evolution including paves the way for more powerful terminals support. Which should give ideas to developers...



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