vendredi 3 mai 2013

Yahoo-Dailymotion affair : Montebourg he was right to block the sale of Dailymotion?

The intervention of Arnaud Montebourg to block a takeover of Yahoo by Dailymotion is widely commented on by the press, politicians and business leaders. With considerable disagreement. Including within the government itself ...

Dailymotion The case has almost become an affair of state. The intervention of the French government stopped the sale of the video platform Yahoo opposes political, media, entrepreneurs and divided even within the government.

Sometimes on the bottom, but also on the shape of the intervention once again brings to light the role of Arnaud Montebourg. Yahoo wanted to buy France Telecom 75% stake in its subsidiary, Dailymotion, but the state, which still holds 27% stake in the incumbent, would not go beyond 50%. The invitation to Bercy protagonists of this operation, the virulence of the Minister on this occasion and the way to set conditions for an agreement have deterred Yahoo to pursue any discussion.

The Minister of Productive Recovery assured have blocked the takeover not to "abandon Dailymotion hands of a company whose health is sometimes flickering and moreover may devour Dailymotion," speaking of a "reflex economic and strategic intelligence. " Defending his new perspective on France 2 Thursday night, he argued that the industry "is developing will create jobs, I prefer them to be created in France." "We have a special nugget, we wish to promote (...) and develop other markets," he continued, saying that his decision was "respond positively many French (who) want the government to intervene when he can. "

Problem everyone is not on the same wavelength at Bercy, at least on the method. Starting with the Minister of Economy, Pierre Moscovici, who has denied really involved in this decision, contradicting what his colleague held a few hours before. For his part, the Minister digital Fleur Pellerin had found "staggering" in the forms, the action of Arnaud Montebourg, she would described as "unmanageable" by France Info.

Still, the decision does not cause discussions the government. The debate is actually everywhere. Overview.

"L'échec de la vente de Dailymotion risque d'endommager l'image de la France auprès des investisseurs étrangers" a averti jeudi le Wall Street Journal.


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